How it all began…

IMG_0224The World o’ Cerámica was created 12 years ago, when I first discovered my love for the crafts.

I am a self-taught creator, who has been experimenting with various mediums since the first time I dabbled with crafts in 2002.
Internet, friends and other artists have contributed in creating my own style.

It first began as a bunch of amateurs from college setting up a stall for friends and family to earn some pocket-money.image

We found our separate paths after we graduated, and mine led to this world of incredible peace and tranquility. That is what I experience when I am consumed by a project that need my absolute and minute attention.

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I moved from pottery to murals and now my fascination is with these realistic looking food miniatures.image

The possibilities that these cuties opened up are endless and ideas don’t stop flowing. The actual production is trying hard to keep up with ideas.



Even so, I’m in the constant search of new ideas and techniques that can be creatively used to blend with my style of work.

This search has led me to the amazing craft of decoupage, which a tech-obsessed friend described as real life in PNG format 😉

Since day one, I have been my only competition. Everyday I wanted to better my work and continue to gather compliments from my buyers.

Saying my work is a hobby is an understatement because it consumes me.

When I am at my work table, that is the only world that exists.

When I am at an exhibition, the only people who exist are those who look at my work. All I desire is to watch their faces transform with appreciation.

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